
Hi. I'm Jason Zimdars a web designer in Oklahoma City, OK and this is my website.

Halloween Pictures 2008

The kids are out trick-or-treating so I’m sitting on the porch, enjoying the evening and posting our pictures while I hand out candy. It’s unusually warm this Halloween in Oklahoma — even at 7pm it is almost 70º outside. Usually we have to bundle up the kids because it is so windy and cold; often it’s in the 40º’s for trick-or-treating. But enough of that, here are the pics (you can click any of them to see a larger picture):

“Hi, I’m a Mac.”

Halloween Mac & PC costumesFirst up: my costume. I normally don’t dress up for Halloween, but after my coworker, Justin Boeckman told me what he was going to do I could not resist. Mostly because, if you know me you know this is not at all out of character. Justin totally carried this one, perfectly imitating John Hodgman’s PC character from the Apple commercials.


Next up: pictures of the kids’ costumes. In the photos are Grace, Brett, Brett’s friend Brayson, and Grace’s friends Ashley, Allee, and Alyssa.


And not to be left out, Holly dressed up the dogs and took them on the first leg of the evening.


Finally, we have the pumpkins. Grace used a pretty cool set of Mr. Potato Head style pieces to decorate hers. No mess!. Brett went with traditional carving for his best Jack-o-lantern yet. And me, I tried a new technique I’ve been curious about. Instead of just cutting holes, I carved the meat of the pumpkin for a more sculptural feel. It didn’t come out quite as nicely as I might have wanted, but I learned a lot for next year, and it was good enough to win the pumpkin contest at work!

Enjoy the pics and have a great Halloween!

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